Cairo Kairos

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Not much to report from the home front, but I am trying to be better at being a regular contributor to my own blog. Enjoyed a good weekend filled with work and projects but I enjoyed what I was doing for the most part and so the hours passed effortlessly. I finally finished Caleb's first year of life photo album and made a sizable dent into year two. Then we started phone interviews at our Saturday search committee meeting and one went really well. It is exciting to see this process take shape and to feel God's hand guiding and moving us. The meetings have always been full of good conversation and really healthy debate, and I have enjoyed it way more than I had ever thought possible.

Later on Saturday I had the chance to hear one of my favorite authors speak. The Anglican Church has an arts program where they bring in big name authors to speak and opine on various topics of their choice and expertise. Terry Waite, Elias Chacour and Os Guiness have been past speakers,and then Saturday it was Anne Lamott! It was an interesting event, not at all what I was expecting, which was probably best ( she has been known to drop the occasional "F bomb" in the midst of a discussion on her spiritual journey... not your typical Christian writer.) I expected a brash, foul mouthed liberal and instead was greeted by a somewhat cute but awkward, uncertain, liberal. It was a pleasant discussion... a bit predictable, nothing very edgy as far as I was concerned. Of course Paul,, the pastor of the Anglican church had specifically warned her that she needed to be conscious of our host country and how they might perceive things such as Christians using profanity and talking harsh politics. Actually the Egyptians would have totally enjoyed an evening of Bush bashing! Anyhow, she was a very good girl and colored in the lines...but I would have enjoyed a scribble or two of humorously placed profanity just for the adrenaline jolt. She talked mostly about the things she writes about, but a more updated version of the same old topics. Her poor son Sam has been great writing fodder since he was born and she wrote a hysterical book called "Operating Instructions". Now he is 18 and living on his own so those stories were all new and insightful. I wondered as I listened to her talk if my relationship with Caleb will be nearly as funny or painful as her relationship with Sam. Man! I hope my kid goes easier on me!
Well the midnight hour has arrived and although I am perky and on a roll I think I will end here and try and call it a night so that my 6:30 wake up call isn't so painful.