Cairo Kairos

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas 2007

The Christmas Photo Ordeal Part 1

Please Just Smile and Then You Can Have a Cookie

Great He Smiles and I Blink!

OK So this is as good as it gets. It isn't exactly fridge worthy but hopefully the thought counts for something.



Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Amy,

This is a blast from the past, but I googled your name. My name usted to be Kirsten Berthelsen. You were one of my youth leaders. My dad, Larry and I were just talking about you the other day, wondering if you were still in Egypt. I see you are. I'd love to catch up. My e-mail is I hope you remember me. Do you remember "Paris on the Platte"? You were part of many milestones in my life, that being one of them. Anyway, hope to hear from you.

5:51 PM  

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