Allison Brown comes to town!
This week was the official end of Ramadan and in celebration we got a full week off from school! My friend from my early years here in Cairo, Allison, came back to visit me and another friend. We enjoyed a great week sight seeing, hanging ou,t eating and having great conversation. She also had to endure the lengthy process of my purchasing and taking ownership of my new car. (How long can it take to pick up a car you ask??? Hours!) It was awesome to have my own car to toodle around in and she was there to encourage me thru my first scratch which took all of 20 hours. I am going apartment hunting this morning as I have a great lead on a villa in old Maadi. I was hesitant to move back in town as I love being out in the country but the price is great on this place and it has a garden which is my main prerequisite. Pray that it can work out in reality as well as it does in my head.
Caleb is shooting up in more ways than one. He has really grown taller which leads me to believe he has the Widener height factor which is great he will fit right in! He is really picking up words as each day goes by adding to both his Arabic and English vocabulary. He is going totally two with the fun playful angle and the fall on the ground throw a temnper tantrum angle...I could do without the last one.
Caleb is shooting up in more ways than one. He has really grown taller which leads me to believe he has the Widener height factor which is great he will fit right in! He is really picking up words as each day goes by adding to both his Arabic and English vocabulary. He is going totally two with the fun playful angle and the fall on the ground throw a temnper tantrum angle...I could do without the last one.
i love you, i love you, i love you!!! our life is adventurous and your boring?!?!??! no way, jose!!! you live in CAIRO!!! gosh, looking through your site makes me homesick for Egypt. caleb is cuter than words!!! cairo and the villages..ah, they make my heart sing! just talked to my friend shu-shu today. she's been married almost a year and yet to be pregnant. praying in our good J's name that He will make her to conceive and His glory be manifest in her life. looking to go to Turkey in the summer of next year. i know once i get there and meet people and have friends, my heart will fall in love again - this time with a new place, and new people. but i think egypt will always be dear in my heart and my first 'home away from home'. i love you amy! i know one day i'll see you again. keep the faith. be strong in the Lord. and use His sweet shoulder to continue to long as you need to!!!
ALLISON BROWN - all i can think of is sitting in your office with her for an "intervention" b/c us interns were so horrible...ha ha ha! Ok, it wasn't that bad but boy did we give you a run for your money...and Allison!! I can't believe it has been that long.
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