Cairo Kairos

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Enjoyed another great day today! We hung out poolside most of the day and a bunch of friends dropped by. We ate hommus and I learned to play cribbage. Then Jeanette Rizk came over and we cooked low carb Morrocan Chicken and steamed clams! It is only 10 p.m. and I am ready for bed...this is a good life!


Blogger Laurie M. Lee said...

Amy, I'm so glad that Caleb is doing okay. Several of my friends' kids had croup earlier this spring. I've heard that its an especially bad year. Nothing like a trip to the ER to make you a full fledged parent.

I'm with you in the lack of sleep department. I've had VERY poor sleep the last week. We finally discovered that Avery has an ear infection. Today was her second day of antibiotic so hopefully we'll get more sleep tonight. Jeff and I are like zombies. :-)

Keep up the great posts. You are motivating me to post more, too. I'll do some tomorrow.

Laurie Jacks Lee

*** This message is for Colleen! Girl, email me. We live in Princeton, NJ...not too far from you. We need to see each other. Please email me at

7:01 PM  

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